CCM Integrated offers your company the facilities, qualified personnel and access to potential vertical market customers in the USA, North America, Central and South America. Having a formal business presence in California increases your prospects’ confidence in testing and eventually acquiring your solutions.
CCM can facilitate technical and physical demonstrations of your developments to US market clientele in an exclusive accessible city-owned 400 acres flying field, access to world-class training facilities and has a fully equipped office located in Chula Vista, California.
CCM personnel is Part 107 certified and ready should your company have the need to train and educate our staff about your products.
CCM is a strategic market development partner for foreign companies that do not have the financial capacity to open offices, hire technicians or perform on site business development activities in the US and other American countries.
Once your company qualifies to become a partner with CCM Integrated, your products and promotional materials can be offered in the US and other American countries through our network connections, website, trade show events, social media and/or advertisements.